Booting Yoe on the ODROID-C4
The ODRIOD-C4 is the latest addition to the line of SBCs from Hardkernel. It is priced at $50 and comes packed with high performance parts including the Amlogic S905X3 quadcore ARM64 ( cortex-a55 ) CPU, 4GB DDRR4 DRAM, 4 USB-3.0 ports, GigE, HDMI 2.0, and a 40-pin GPIO header to list a few key features.
Porting the Yoe Distribution
Since the Yoe distribution is based on OpenEmbedded, we can take advantage of the layered architecture where the Odroid board support is added via a BSP overlay layer. Therefore the effort was focused on adding necessary bits to meta-odroid.
New Cortex-a55 tune files
OpenEmbedded allows us to optimize SOC flags to squeeze the best performance out of the compiler. A new tune file to enumerate cortex-a55 specific tuning options was added:
DEFAULTTUNE ?= "cortexa55"
TUNEVALID[cortexa55] = "Enable Cortex-A55 specific processor optimizations"
TUNE_CCARGS .= "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES', 'cortexa55', ' -mcpu=cortex-a55', '', d)}"
require conf/machine/include/arm/
# Little Endian base configs
AVAILTUNES += "cortexa55 cortexa55-crypto"
ARMPKGARCH_tune-cortexa55 = "cortexa55"
ARMPKGARCH_tune-cortexa55-crypto = "cortexa55"
TUNE_FEATURES_tune-cortexa55 = "aarch64 cortexa55 crc"
TUNE_FEATURES_tune-cortexa55-crypto = "aarch64 cortexa55 crc crypto"
PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-cortexa55 = "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8a-crc} cortexa55"
PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-cortexa55-crypto = "${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-armv8a-crc-crypto} cortexa55 cortexa55-crypto"
BASE_LIB_tune-cortexa55 = "lib64"
BASE_LIB_tune-cortexa55-crypto = "lib64"
A new machine configuration file to define default tuning and pin kernel/bootloader versions was created:
Machine Configuration
#@TYPE: Machine
#@NAME: odroid-c4
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for odroid-c4 systems
#@MAINTAINER: Armin Kuster <>
DEFAULTTUNE ?= "cortexa55-crypto"
require conf/machine/include/arm/
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
Recipes for Kernel and Bootloader
While upstream support for Amlogic SOCs is found in the mainline kernel and Hardkernel added support for the C4 into 4.9, we still needed to update recipes and add support for a few of the C4 peripherals. Eventually it might be good to upstream these changes. Similarly, the recipe for u-boot 2015.01 is added since that is the officially supported bootloader from Hardkernel.
Yoe Distribution port
Yoe distribution has a setup script to do workspace setup, and a new file (which is just a symlink) to use ODROID-C4 is added as odroid-c4-hardkernel-envsetup
Building yoe-simple-image
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 -b master git:// yoe
cd yoe
. ./
bitbake yoe-simple-image
yoe_install_image /dev/sdX yoe-simple-image
sudo eject /dev/sdX
power-on and image should boot into console
Enabling the 3.2 Inch LCD Shield
Using the 3.2 Inch LCD Shield requires enabling it in the device tree and at the same time disabling spidev to avoid conflicts – the changes are applied in the kernel via a patch.
Building yoe-simple-image
with this change will enable it and /dev/fb4
should become available which is implemented in the fb_hktft32 framebuffer
Kiosk Broser on the LCD Shield
The QT5 layer for openembedded includes a sample kiosk browser which uses
QTWebengine. To include this in the image, add the following to
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " qt-kiosk-browser"
Bake the image again and flash it to SD card. Once booted, the kiosk browser can be launched on the LCD using the following commands:
export QT_QPA_EGLFS_FB=/dev/fb4
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=linuxfb:fb=/dev/fb4
export QT_QPA_DEBUG=1
export QT_LOGGING_RULES="qt.qpa.*=true"
export QML2_IMPORT_PATH=/usr/lib/qt5/qml
export QML_IMPORT_PATH=/usr/lib/qt5/qml
qt-kiosk-browser --no-sandbox /etc/qt-kiosk-browser.conf
What Works
X11 over fbdev and the lunuxfb backends work fine. 169MiB of memory is consumed when using just the Sato UI. After launching the kiosk browser, memory consumption increases to approximately 225MiB.
Further work
- Add mali bifrost driver support, which should enable wayland as well as gbm eglfs backend
- Support mainline linux kernel and u-boot